What Student Say About ExcelPTP


Nishantkumar Tiwari Reaction on Training

Nishantkumar Tiwari

It was a great training experience in Performance, Manual, Automation Testing Tools Training at Excel PTP, Ahmadabad.i learn lot of things as practical based on real time live project Testing and HP-Load Runner, Selenium IDE, QTP Etc... with ISTQB Certification. The knowledge he shared, out of his experience in IT industry, helped us a lot in understanding many concepts related to training and the industry as well. i also thankful to entire team of PTP for for provide me this platform and job at codemasters software co. ltd, pune.

With Regards.
Nishantkumar Tiwari,
QA Tester
codemasters software co. ltd

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Ruchita Bhatt

It was nice Experience that i join Excelptp as fresher to learn core concept on QA, but after 3 month got job offer from PTP Limited as Jr. QA Developer and join it. overall say it was Gret Experience to be part of Execel PTP solutions.

With Regards.
 Ruchita Bhatt,
Jr. QA Developer
PTP Solutions and moving to USA

Sonal Mulani

My overall Experience was best because i was join as Fresh Trainee and got sufferance from one of my Friend who already taken training from here  and whatever she said was true and brush up my skill and withing 45 Days for best job offer. i join this training with my another Friends Ashwini and she also got best offer with me. 

So working as QA Software Tester, overall story is about i fell relax and and confidant to as Software Tester and today working with peerbits Solutions and happy with this nice experience and like to say thank you to all my team and management.

With Regards.
Sonal Mulani,
Software Tester,
Peerbits, Ahmedabad

Ansari Ziyaur Raheman

Happy to share my review for Excel PTP, it was a great place for fresher especially who looking for jobs but fails in some case of lack of opportunity and knowledge. i am also one of them and thats why join Excel PTP. i learn practical things most. and on live environment which give me platform to stand-own & call my self as programmer. after few month of this programs got placement  at ISN InfoTech, Ahmadabad. am very thankful to all entire team to support and give me this best opportunity ever.

With Regards.
Ansari Ziyaur Raheman,
QA Tester