Vishal Fichadiya Reaction on Training

Vishal Fichadiya
I am Vishal Fichadiya. I have done post-graduation in EC and having worked as Professor in Academic Institution. Then I have decided to switch over IT field and was looking for job in IT field. I came to know about ExcelPTP from website and then take inquiry and i feel this one is nice and help me to enhance my knowledge over PHP. I join ExcelPTP for PTP-6 program to enhance my skill over PHP. ExcelPTP give me a good exposure and career related suggestions. Here, due to one to one training and guidance, it provides good environment for learning and getting mastery over fundamentals. After completion of Training, i got placed in iflair Web Technology Pvt. Ltd. I am happy that I joined ExcelPTP. IT was a great experience I am very thankful to Excel PTP for providing me such a good environment for learning on PHP development. I am very thankful to Mr. Preyash Sir and full to the management team to best guidance every time for my career and motivate me. Thanks To Entire team of ExcelPTP programs.
With Regards.
Vishal Fichadiya,
PHP Developer
IFlair Webtechnologies
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vivek joshi
I had taken Training in PHP. it was nice experience for me to learn from the basic and that helped me to understand core concepts of PHP eloquently. I also learned the core concepts and advance in CakePHP MVC Framework. Truly recommended..
With Regards.
Vivek Joshi,
PHP Developer
Alakmalak Technologies Pvt. Ltd.

Bhavika Solanki
I have completed ios training in excelptp division of Amar Technolabs pvt ltd. i got Good experience in training part and all faculty support as in to project.
ExcelPtp one of the best development company in Ahmadabad for Ios App Development. After this training I have join in eInfochips India Pvt Ltd, Ahmedabad as post of Jr. ios developer. All company employee take a Training and help in to guide how to work on live project work.
Thanks all of Excel PTP faculty Trainers and member help me in bright career in ios developer .
With Regards.
Bhavika Solanki,
Iphone App Developer
eInfochips India Pvt Ltd

Bhavin Pokiya
I Am Pokiya Bhavin, was join Excel PTP to start my IT Career in Technology as Fresher. just after copleted my Graduation i was tried to search job but lack of my ability was failed all the time in inerviews so i decided to join Excel PTP Professional Training Program to learn much on it.
during my Training i got Satisfaction Skilled knowledge on microsoft Technologies and after conducting few interviews during this training program got job offer from i Boon Technologies – Ahmedabad & I-Engineering, Inc. – Ahemadabad to work with them. so in short and sweet words like to say thanks to all my entire Team of Excel PTP.
With Regards.
Bhavin Pokiya,
.Net Developer
I-Engineering, Inc. – Ahemadabad