What Student Say About ExcelPTP


Rahul Sonvane Reaction on Training

Rahul Sonvane

Hi this is Rahul Sonvane. I had a great learning experience during my training program. I enrolled for PTP-6 Training Program but with in 3 months I was able to get a job in iSoft Solution LLC. I must say the trainers over here are very patient, friendly and Smart working. They are always on the Edge of their seats whenever u need them. Even the management arranged special lectures for IOS app development. I am glad that I joined the Training Program at Excel PTP.

With Regards.
Rahul Sonvane,
Iphone App Developer
iSoft Solution LLC

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indrajit rathwa

IT was nice experience to learn ios from excel ptp and very happy to recommend to anyone.

With Regards.
indrajit rathwa,
Jr. ios Developer
Sofyco Solution Inc.

Shahu Aarati

It was my geoduck that got a such a best place for training on android app development which is my crushed in codding and i done well too and placed at DevERP solutions pvt. Ltd, thank you PTP

With Regards.
Aarti Shahu,
Android Developer
DevERP solutions pvt. Ltd

Darji Nileshkumar

Good training for fresher, yes i done my Bsc in Chem. and after that my interest is in IT sector and specially to developed application in android platform, i come to know about this excel ptp and join it, it was good experince to learn from scratched from the entire team.

With Regards.

Darji Nileshkumar,
Android Developer
Kiara Software | Ahmedabad