What Student Say About ExcelPTP


Pooja Patel Reaction on Training

Pooja Patel

After done my Bsc it i join Excel PTP to start my career on IOS mobile app Development.

It was quit dificult but i strongly belive in myself to do iphone app developer and finally do it and get job offer from Archiriyan infotech, thank you excel ptp t belive iny self and support to start my career.

With Regards.
Pooja Patel,
Jr. ios Developer
Archiriyab Infotech, Ahmadabad


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MD Ejaz Khan

I am Ejaz khan, i join ExcelPTP few month ago as in Oct in iphone app professional training program (PTP-6)m it was my nice Experience there, i got real Experience on mobile app iphone Technology from basic to advance level and see within few months at ExcelPTP training program I got selected in fusion infotech as a junior iphone developer with package of 2.4 Lacs/Annum.

It was fantastic and good opportunity for me. i really like to say thanks to ExcelPTP and whole professional staff to support me and giving me real Expertise on mobile app Technology. really it is best place for all fresher who want start bright future in short time. just go and take training and learn as much as you can. here no limit to learn in any tech. if you have good skills then every companies jobs are on your hand. thank you so much to all staff.

With Regards.
Ejaz Khan,
ios Developer
Fusion informatics

Harsh Bhayani

“Joining ExcelPTP in Ahmedabad as a fresher was the best decision for learning Flutter. The teaching experience was exceptional!”

Harsh Bhayani,
Mobile App Developer,
ATPL, Ahmedabad

Priyank Gandhi

My Self Priyank Gandhi, i join Excel PTP program four months ago as Jr. iPhone app developer trainee . i got real Experience on mobile app iPhone Technology on basic level.

Excel PTP is a company not a institute or classes, and it is a division of Amar infotech Software company in Ahmadabad, that was my good luck to found ExcelPTP rather than any institute i learn much in a very short time because ExcelPTP are flexible to giving knowledge & the trainers depend on us as fast we can move to learn they ready to covered maximum stuff as per our limit. just after i completed my 3rd month i got job offer from BSP Technologies – Ahmadabad and i join it as Jr. iOS Developer.

With Regards.
Priyank Gandhi,
iOs Developer
BSP Technologies – Ahmadabad.