Milind Kyada Reaction on Training

Milind Kyada
Yes Was Taking my training from Excel PTP and now working with Nidhi informatics india, Rajkot as Software Tester. As feedback of Training i am Highly Recommended to anyone to join this Company to making good IT Career if you are fresher then. this is Best place for project training and secure IT Career.
With Regards.
Milind Kyada,
Software Tester
Nidhi informatics india
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Nilam Goswami
It was nice Experience that i join Excelptp as fresher to learn core concept on PHP and MVC, but after 3 month got job offer from BKRN Techweb dimensions pvt. Ltd. as Jr. Developer and join it. overall it was Great Experience to be part of Execel PTP solutions.
With Regards.
Nilam Goswami ,
Jr. SEO Developer
BKRN Techweb dimensions pvt. Ltd.

Vimal Patel
This is Vimal Detroja, Working with JP Morgan in IT Development Department – Mumbai. here i like to share my Experience with Amar infotech Training program. I was join it when i was freshers and looking for Training during my study in BE CE at GECM. and during Training i was selected at Unikaihatsu Software – a division of Acty system – Japaneses Software company by PTP’s Placement cell (Division of AI). It Was Best Experience as i got all information and learning style on 2-tier and 3- tier Architecture on Dot Net platform at AI. thank you PTP and AI for giving me opportunity to work with you.
With Regards.
Vimal Patel,
Software Developer
JP Morgan – Mumbai

Kiran Sagar
My Self Kiran, and i was the one of Trainee of ExcelPTP First Batch in Ahmadabad on 2008-09. that time ExcelPTP and Amar infotech are same and i join as freshers as trainee. and then just after 3 month also get job opportunity at Amar infotech, and then got employment with ISM -Ahmadabad and now presently work with Infosys in pune.
This is all journey is kind of dream for me, and with confidence i must say that basic platform from initial level to advance one only got at PTP program and also they give me job opportunity and then after 18 month work with them i move with another opportunity… Excel PTP is best platform to all new comers in IT for taking professional and corporate training to making their bright career. thank you.
With Regards.
Kiran Sagar,
Software Developer
Infosys, Pune