What Student Say About ExcelPTP


Bansari Patel Reaction on Training

Bansari Patel

My Self Bansari, i join this ExcelPTP program with my friend in PHP technology to learn best after my graduation. I really like this training, i am quite good on Core PHP so just after 20 days of my training i move on CakePHP framework and i learn it and then within 45 days of this program i got job offer from Amar infotech with y friends as CakePHP developer. Really like to say it is great Experience for me doing training here and for the job opportunity. thanks ExcelPTP and AI.

With Regards.
Bansari Patel,
Software Developer
Amar Technolabs Pvt Ltd.

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Pratik Ukani

Myself Pratik virani, i Graduate M sc IT at Dr. V R godhaniya collage from Porabander. I have taken last year training from Rajkot but not satisfied and learn much as per my expectations so just move in Ahmadabad to get better opportunity and employment in PHP open source. Here my friends suggest to me Amar InfoTech PTP Professional training program. I join this Training program, and they Experience developer share with us his knowledge and give experience on php programming.

So my friends this is the my experience with PTP, it was time when no one ready to hired me and after this PTP program i have 5 job offered in only one months during this training program. i Really thankful to all team of AI and PTP for giving me this opportunity.

Now i got placement in web designing through Excelptp.

With Regards.
Pratik Ukani,
PHP Developer
Grape solutions

Ashish Khoyani

Hello Friends my Self Ashish Khoyani and i was study at Nirma University as Diploma Computer Engineering. and we was Taken Training at Excel PTP for Android app Technology as part of our Final Sem Curriculum. I join this training with my friends and it was good to learn much there from basic to Advance level we are happy with that because it was on live work and defiantly work individual now on it. and i will also join this company as my final sem project of BE Degree in future.

With Regards.
Ashish Khoyani,
Software Developer
Amar Technolabs Pvt Ltd.

Chitrang Shah

hello Friends, i like to share my training reviews here, and i join this training after my graduation and so happy with this professional course and got offer from Sigma byte av salutions pvt ltd and now behalf of this work with TCS, Ganghinagar.

With Regards.
Chitrang Shah,
Jr. Software Engg.
Sigma byte av salutions pvt ltd