Bhargav Vachani Reaction on Training

Bhargav Vachani
Hi Friends, i am currently study in 8th sem. at Takshashila collage At Rajkot and join excelptp. I Got Reference of Excelptp training program from one of my Friends who already working with Amar Technolabs Pvt. Ltd. named Chetan Vanpariya he also join ExcelPTP and working with them as well so finally i join with one of my Friend khodu vaishanav as our final year project training.
After 3 months of Training done we got job offer from 2 companies as same time named: Addon Web Solutions, Amultek Software Solutions Pvt Ltd and last we join AmulTek as Jr. PHP Developer. here in excelptp experienced developer and friendly staff who all working here.special thanks to dilip sir, vipul sir, all the developers of Amar Infotech to provide us such a career oriented Training and opportunity thanks to all.
With Regards.
Bhargav Vachani,
PHP Developer
Amultek Software Solutions
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Mayur Hothi
Learning environment good supporting staff and i just start this training just after 1st wave of Corona pandemic, i started this training as in Linux System admin and also get chance to learn azure devops tech and now working as associate devops engineer at addweb solution in ahmedabad.
With Regards.
Mayur Hothi,
Devops Engineer
Addweb Solution | Ahmedabad

Ami Vaghmaria
Training at Amar InfoTech in PHP is structured and in each of my seats I have been given regular feedback from my supervisors and colleagues in respect of my continuing progress. The supervisors are very approachable and are always more than happy to answer questions and offer advice.
With Regards.
Ami Vaghmaria,
Software Developer
Amar Technolabs Pvt Ltd.

Khushi Barot
I joined ExcelPTP for Front end Developer Training .The training was extremely interesting and useful. Thanks so much Excel PTP for your very valuable training. I really enjoyed it, and appreciated that you made it fun! I feel much better prepared to deal with uncomfortable issues.
With Regards.
Khushi Barot ,
Front-end Developer
Excel PTP | Ahmedabad