What Student Say About ExcelPTP


Hardik Nimavat Reaction on Training

Hardik Nimavat

This is Hardik nimavat from Porbander - Saurastra. i join Excel PTP - professional Training program as for my Final year Corporate Training from my collage. during my Training program i got good platform to learn PHP OpenSource Technology and got live project Experience. As just i have completed my Training on PTP-4 program got one of job offer to work with them at SauChem.com and i join it. in last i like to say Excel PTP provide me best platform to learn basic to Advance level skill for the same. i am happy from ExcelPTP thank you so much.

With Regards.
Hardik Nimavat,
Software Engineer

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Nitin Sakariya

After Done my BCA from GKCK Bosmiya Collage – Jetpur I join ExcelPTP as in PTP-4 program on php development with my friends,we heard much about this company as professional training provider company. but day by day as we stat from basic i am much confident that got good knowledge from here and finally yes we get it. now i can make my own php project easily and work with any company as php developer. thank you ExcelPTP. 

With Regards.
Nitin Sakariya,
PHP Developer
Keshav InfoTech

Suthar Ankit

I join Excel PTP to gain Training on Dot Net Technology and then working with IT Company as Software Engg. i come to know about this training company from Google and make one or two inquiries and i thought its okay to join this company rather than go with any Classes or institutes because here program are define as on job training program which is Normally given after we get jobs with some company but here we get it from first day because Excel is making his own employees from this training so i join it.

And yes After 3 months i skilled enough for interview and working on live work and in 2 -3 days got job opportunity from Gujarat Informatics Ltd. as Dot net Developer. it was an unforgettable moment for me that day to become an Govt. Emp. this all Credit goes to Excel and entire team to provide me opportunity and making me capable to work with Gujarat Informatics Ltd. thank you So much sirs.

With Regards.
Suthar Ankit ,
.Net Developer
Gujarat Informatics Ltd.

Sripal Shah

Myself Sripal Shah and was join Exccel PTP on Feb 2015 on PHP Professional Training Program and happy to say it was Amazing i start my learning from Scratching like Designing, CorePHP, OPP with PHP, CakePHP MVC Frameworks and then advance like Magento or CMS with no bar on knowledge.This one is nice Experience ever because all  trainers are the developer jr. to sr. not one but all employees of Amar infotech. and hence i got job offer Walter technologies Ahmadabad. i am highly counsel Excel PTP. 

With Regards.
Sripal Shah,
PHP Developer
Walter Technologies