Advanced JavaScript with Typescript

Course Detail Image
Course Detail
Course Level: Beginner to Advanced
Course Duration: 4 Months | 8 Months
Training Days: Monday to Friday
Training Time: 4 hours / Day | Regular Office Time
Course Mode: IN-class (Offline) at our premises
Course Type: JOB oriented training
Course Start On: On Registration | Admission
Class Size: 1 to 1 | No Groups| No Batch


  • Considering is your last training: We assure for knowledge, so once your get job then your training will end.
  • Know your skills:Choose/Suggested a technology what you can do best.
  • Authenticate your skills: Entire course is on industrial practice so awarded with experience latter on placement.
  • Be highest paid fresher:We invented a unique model to get the job with highest starting salary, if you get good offer then US, you can join to them.
  • We don’t bind your ability: No specific course content, learn as much as you can, beyond the topics it helps to become logically sound.

Learning with Object: Inheritance and the Prototype Chain o Creating Objects: Function Constructors

Creating Objects: Object. Create

Primitives vs. Objects fundametals

Functions: Passing Functions as Arguments

Functions: Functions Returning Functions

Immediately Invoked Function Expressions (IIFE)

Basic Types and Type Inference

The "Advanced JavaScript with TypeScript" course is designed to deepen your understanding and skills in JavaScript and introduce you to TypeScript, a powerful superset of JavaScript. This course is suitable for developers who already have a solid foundation in JavaScript and want to explore advanced concepts and techniques to enhance their programming abilities.

Asynchronous JavaScript

Asynchronous JavaScript: The Event Loop

Asynchronous JavaScript with Callbacks

From Callback Hell to Promises

Promises to Async/Await


Variable Declarations with LET and CONST o Strings in ES6

Arrow Functions

DE structuring and Arrays in ES6

The Spread Operator o Rest Parameters

Default Parameters and Classes

Introduction to TypeScript

Setting up TypeScript Development Environment

TypeScript Compiler and Configuration

Basic Types and Type Inference

TypeScript vs. JavaScript o OOPs in TypeScript

Creating Classes and class properties, Methods

Access Modifiers and Constructor

Getters and Setters

Static properties and methods

Inheritance and Interfaces

Creational Patterns (e.g., Singleton, Factory, Builder)

Structural Patterns (e.g., Adapter, Decorator, Facade)

Behavioral Patterns (e.g., Observer, Strategy, Command)

Error Handling and Exception Patterns

Testing and Debugging Strategies

Performance Optimization Techniques

DOM Manipulation and Event Handling

Asynchronous Programming with Promises and Async/Await

Fetch API and AJAX Requests

Modular JavaScript and Bundlers

Reactive Programming and RxJS

Working with Web Workers and Service Workers

AngularJS, React, or Vue.js (Choose one)

Component-based architecture

State management

Routing and navigation

Forms and validation

This course outline is intended as a general guide and may be customized to meet specific training objectives by trainer to trainer and candidates to candidates.

Proficiency in JavaScript programming

Familiarity with HTML and CSS

Basic understanding of programming concepts

Basic knowledge of scripting and programming (OOP)

This can be learned by any individual who has graduated in anything!


No limits on learning, no limits on duration, no limits on salary, no limits on interviews, learn as much as you can & get ready for your first job.


  • 4 months training duration

  • Monday to Friday (04 hours / Day)

  • Only practical based training

  • Individual 1 to 1 training

  • Professional developers as trainer

  • Stipend provide based on performance

  • Confirmed job – on-job training program

  • Diploma/Graduate (Any Stream), Career Changers & IT Enthusiasts.


  • Up to 12 Months or Until Placement

  • Monday to Friday (full day Adjusted Based on Work Opportunity)

  • Live Work-Based Training with a Collaborative Team

  • 1 to 1, Real-World Project Experience & Industry-Standard Skills

  • Unlimited Placement Support with Dual Job Opportunities

  • Industry Diploma Recognized as Experience + Training Certificate

  • Join as a Fresher, Graduate as an Experienced Professional Developer

  • 10+2, Diploma/Graduate (Any Stream), Career Changers & IT Enthusiasts.


  • client
  • client
  • client
  • client
  • client