React JS
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- React JS

Course Level: | Beginner to Advanced |
Course Duration: | 4 Months | 8 Months |
Training Days: | Monday to Friday |
Training Time: | 4 hours / Day | Regular Office Time |
Course Mode: | IN-class (Offline) at our premises |
Course Type: | JOB oriented training |
Course Start On: | On Registration | Admission |
Class Size: | 1 to 1 | No Groups| No Batch |
Considering is your last training: We assure for knowledge, so once your get job then your training will end.
Know your skills:Choose/Suggested a technology what you can do best.
Authenticate your skills: Entire course is on industrial practice so awarded with experience latter on placement.
Be highest paid fresher:We invented a unique model to get the job with highest starting salary, if you get good offer then US, you can join to them.
We don’t bind your ability: No specific course content, learn as much as you can, beyond the topics it helps to become logically sound.
What is React?
Setting up the Development Environment
Hello react
Custom Config
Full Stack Architecture
Let vs Var vs Const
The “this” Keyword
Binding this
Arrow function
Arrow functions and this
Array map method
Object Destructing
Spread Operator
Named and Default Exports
Setting up the project
Your First React Component
Embedding Expressions
Setting Attributes
Rendering Classes Dynamically
Rendering Lists
Conditional Rendering
Handling Event
Binding Event Handlers
Updating the State
What happens when State change
Passing Event Arguments
Composing Components
Passing Data to Components
Passing Children
Debugging React App
Props vs State
Raising and Handling Events
Updating the State
Single Sources of truts
Removing the Local State
Multiple Component in Sync
Lifting the State Up
Stateless Function Components
Destructing Arguments
Lifecycle Hooks
Mounting Phase
Updating Phase
Unmounting Phase
Pagination – Component Interface
Pagination – Display Pages
Pagination – Handling Page Changes
Pagination – Handling Page Changes
Pagination – Pagination Data
Pagination – Type Checking with Porotypes
Filtering – Component Interface
Filtering – Display Items
Filtering – Default Props
Filtering – Handling Selection
Filtering – Implementing Filtering
Sorting – Extracting
Sorting – Raising Sort Event
Sorting – Implementing Sorting
Setup AND Adding Routing
Switch, Link
Route props, Passing Props
Route parameters, Optional parameters, Query String parameters
Redirects, Programmatic Navigation
Working with Data
Nested Routing
Adding React Router
Adding Routes
Building a Bootstrap Form
Handling Form Submission
Refs, Controlled Elements
Handling Multiple Inputs
Common Error, Extracting a Reusable Input
A Basic Validation Implementation
Displaying Validation Errors
Validation on Change AND JOI
Validating a Form using JOI
Validating a Field using JOI
Upgrading Dependencies
SetState Function
External State
Pass State to Child Components
Working with a Separate State Manager
Asynchronous API on Client
Delivering Initial Data
Reading State from State Manager
JSON Placeholder
HTTP clients
Getting Data, Creating Data
Lifecycle of a Request
Updating Data, Deleting data
Optimistic vs Pessimistic Updated
Expected vs Unexpected Errors
Handling Unexpected Errors Globally
Extracting a Reusable Http Service
Extracting a Config Module
Displaying Toast Notification
React_perf Flag for Profiling
Perf Add-ons
Partial State
Immutable Data Structures
Working on Projects, Define ideas
Start working, Explore Troubleshooting methods
Get help from Google to find right Solutions
Complete project on timeline, make plannings
Work on live project work and get hired
We have Internship / project training for you with unique practical based learning thats make you Industry ready. Step in as Intern and step out as professional. First learn how industry works and its standards. Then complete your project Under experienced Developer’s guidance for practical industry exposure
Make a plan about how we can achieve our goal with deadline
Discussed & finalise Project definition
Clear with Basic HTML/CSS, OOPs Concepts and design creative ideas
Define difficulties and solutions for projects
Research Analytics on project title and requirement
Get Ready with Wireframing of project definition
Start work on project till submission with live code
Krishna Patel
Hi All, This is Krishna Patel and likes to share my Training review and it was great experience with Excel PTP. I join as to learn new technology and job purpose. This course help a lot to get started my IT Career with Bharti Soft. Tech., GIDC, Vadodara.Truly, this Training help me a lot for my employment and learning. I start with Basic on Design part and then Core PHP and then Advance one on magento platform. I am happy with this training program and like to say thanks to all team of Excel PTP and AT. Thank you so much….
With Regards.
Krishna Patel,
PHP Developer
Bharti Soft. Tech.
Smit bhalodiya
“Excel PTP Solutions stands out as the ideal destination for freshers seeking top-notch practical education. I firmly believe that this training program will greatly enhance my career prospects. I am thrilled with the remarkable level of teaching provided at this institute. The faculties are exceptional, and their training has left me thoroughly satisfied.”
Smit bhalodiya,
Web Designer
ATP Limited | Ahmedabad
Rakshit Bhojani
Hi i am Rakshit Bhojani, i have done my MCA from Sardar Patel Institute Vadodara, and then i am trying to find job, but every time i am fail in interview so, i have join Amar InfoTechs Excel PTP-4 Training program in Web Designing. When i complete the Excel PTP-4 Program i have selected to the job.So, in short I really thankful to all team of Excel ptp.
With Regards.
Rakshit Bhojani,
Web Designer
Incipient Info
Ruchita Bhatt
It was nice Experience that i join Excelptp as fresher to learn core concept on QA, but after 3 month got job offer from PTP Limited as Jr. QA Developer and join it. overall say it was Gret Experience to be part of Execel PTP solutions.
With Regards.
Ruchita Bhatt,
Jr. QA Developer
PTP Solutions and moving to USA
Boskey D Patel
i always trying to secure my challenging future as software engg. but as collage just aware us with the definition and basic things, so always trying to finding good software company in Ahmadabad for my final year training, then one of my friends suggest to go with Amar infotech and then I visited AI for the same.
I found it best place to learn career oriented professional IT Training. i learn from basic to Advance programming style from here.
With Regards.
Boskey D Patel,
Software Developer
Amar Technolabs Pvt Ltd.
Urvashi Kamani
Yep it was nice Experience with Excel PTP Program & i join this Course during my Final year project training on android technology. i really recommend anyone to join to Start his/her Career it will defiantly help you to achieve your target in IT Sector … Thank you.
With Regards.
Urvashi Kamani,
PHP Developer
ATOS India Pvt Ltd
Taruna Valiya
After having Big Gap of Career thinking to start again my career in IT and one of my resources refer me Excel PTP to join. and yes was before join and initially was very poor at Core Concept and many challenges i face to clear my OOP Concept but best team support from Excel ptp i make my dream true and now working with Oob Automation as PHP Developer.
it was best experience for me to learn PHP programming and other points of troubleshooting, confidence power buildup and ofcourse new friends who always support me. thank you for best effort towards me and get chance to work with best team of Excel PTP.
With Regards.
Taruna Valiya,
Jr. PHP Developer,
Oob Automation.
khushali Raval
Join Excel PTP Training to learn SEO/SMO, Was best Experience to be with PTP Team and learn Advance SEO tips and tool to be on rank.
Say big thank you to all Team and management for this opportunity and job offer.
With Regards.
khushali raval,
SEO Executive
Esparkbiz Technologies Pvt. Ltd.
Mansi Singal
GGood service at all. Experience Developers (Employes) are as trainer is good thing i got real time knowledge from them. also got quality and all the things as per they Committed and now working with Reputed IT Firm at Cygnet Infotech Pvt. Ltd
With Regards.
Mansi Singal
Jr. QA Developer
Cygnet Infotech Pvt. Ltd
Nikhil Detroja
i’M Nikhil and done my Training from Excel ptp program as Fresher and My feedback is that the course is very practical and easy to follow. I really liked the heavy use of examples – in particular the before and after examples that clearly illustrated the difference programming can make…
And in Edition this course helped immensely as my new job involved programming, MVC Structure, Frameworks, designing a website, troubleshooting and responsive part for a number of websites Demo so can give best output for real part live work that I am responsible for… so in short it was nice Experience and always prefer this Company to learn from basic to unlimited … Bcoz no Course Contents ….. 🙂
With Regards.
Nikhil Detroja,
PHP Developer
TechiesTown InfoTech
Mewada Divyesh
It was a great experience of learning a whole new thing at ExcelPTP as i had no background in IT! And specially like to thank chhailin sir for teaching all the things nicely & also entire ATP Limited team.
With Regards.
Mewada Divyesh ,
Web Designer
Uplers | Ahmedabad
Hiral Babariya
Dear Friend, My Self Hiral Babariya From Dhoraji and i have done my professional Training from Excel PTP – Ahmadabad (A Division of Amar infotech). as part of policy of PTP program while we got job here i share my Experience with you as my Testimonial. i Successfully done my training on PHP Technology as in PTP-4 program and on 3rd month of my training i got job offer from one of reputed Software company in Ahmadabad name MxiCoders Software Solution with starting package of 12,000/- per months.
Actually After my graduation i taken this training as my final year projects, and from the Google and by my friends i got reference if ExcelPTP and its 100ob guarantees so i join this program and really it will worked for me to getting good job. i really like to thanks to ExcelPTP and AI team.
With Regards.
Hiral Babariya,
PHP Developer
MxiCoders Software Solution
Ravi Gaudani
My name is Ravi vinod gaudani, I completed my training in quality assurance engineer. I joined in from september 2018 to february 2019 and now working with ATPL, Ahmedabad Was my best Experience here to explore Testing training in details.
I truly recommend to get industry ready from excel ptp as i am very happy with the support.
With Regards.
Ravi Vinod Gaudani,
Software Tester
Amar Technolabs Pvt. Ltd
Dutt Patel
My Self Dutt Patel , After my diploma C.E. I took my Web Design Training from Excel PTP & Amar Infotech – Ahmadabad. I got to know about this company from Search engine & my Friend. during this Training program I got to know Way of Training Style … It was amazing they treat me as professional way on real time requirement Training over Web designing Stuffs, HTML5, CSS3, Bootstraps, responsive, PSD etc..
Truly speaking It was nice Experience ever to learn something innovative & skilled-full Guidelines. During this Training I got job offer as Html devloper in Ahmadabad.I really very thankful to all Team of Excel PTP for sharing their Experience with me.
With Regards.
Dutt Patel,
Web Designer
Silver Touch Technologies Ltd
Vidhi Shah USA
i am Vidhi shah and i was joined Excel PTP Fast track Course for Software testing At Ahmedabad to learn Advance and can Get good job over at united States. it was my nice Experience here to Explore my skilled on Software testing and satisfied with this course.
With Regards.
Vidhi Shah,
QA Tester,
Amar Technolabs Pvt Ltd.
Vishesh Patel
I am Vishesh and i had done my BCA and then to learn more on Technologies i join Excel PTP as PTP-4 program in PHP, i got enough Skilled knowledge from basic to Advance HTMl5, CSS3, php. It was a great Exp. during my Training and Finally got job opportunity from Govt. Sector in Ahmedabad. i am very thankful to AI and Excel Team to provide me such a good opportunity.
With Regards.
Vishesh Patel,
Software Engg.
RTO Ahmedabad
Rachna Pandya
Excel PTP is perfect place for learning PHP Open Sources in Ahmadabad. All the concepts were covered in depth as per our Expectation from Scratching and main Advantage is that got practical Solution from their Expert Developers and this training for own Development in house so no doubt on learning at any point.
I enjoyed my time at Excelptp Training and learning alot now working with Apex Global Solutions, Ahmedabad as php developer. Management is good and encouraging and faculty Developers is memorable forever, as he trained me up to professional level. Thanks Again.
With Regards.
Rachna Pandya,
PHP Developer
Apex Global Solutions
Jheel Agrawal
I Enrolled this institute for Android Development Course. The trainer was good to explain all the concepts . Being Android fresher, I thought it will be difficult to Understand. My Trainer Really helped a lot with lot of patience.
After joining Excel Ptp , my Android knowledge has improved a lot.
This type of practical oriented class room training is very helpful for everybody and who will follow Android sir classes with practical orientation approach regularly ensures that they will get exact concept about subject in short period of time. Finally in my words \”Excel Ptp\” is the good for learning Android.
With Regards.
Jheel Agrawal,
Jr. Android Developer
ExcelSior Technologies, Ahmadabad
Suthar Ankit
I join Excel PTP to gain Training on Dot Net Technology and then working with IT Company as Software Engg. i come to know about this training company from Google and make one or two inquiries and i thought its okay to join this company rather than go with any Classes or institutes because here program are define as on job training program which is Normally given after we get jobs with some company but here we get it from first day because Excel is making his own employees from this training so i join it.
And yes After 3 months i skilled enough for interview and working on live work and in 2 -3 days got job opportunity from Gujarat Informatics Ltd. as Dot net Developer. it was an unforgettable moment for me that day to become an Govt. Emp. this all Credit goes to Excel and entire team to provide me opportunity and making me capable to work with Gujarat Informatics Ltd. thank you So much sirs.
With Regards.
Suthar Ankit ,
.Net Developer
Gujarat Informatics Ltd.
Bhoomi Soni
Hello, It was nice training experience working with AMAR INFOTECH, which provides a wonderful platform By Excel PTP Training Program to achieve my goal of Software Tester. And yes I would like to thanks Krunal Sir who is the best person to learn Software Testing (manual, QTP, Automation,QC, Selenium Tool Etc.). The main quality i like about him is that he eager to give all the knowledge that he has and this is the Specialty Of Excel PTP. And Vipul Sir was very supportive for placement or whenever i have any problem regarding my course he always helps to solve it.
With Regards.
Bhoomi Soni,
QA Tester
MSP Software pvt Ltd
Bhargav Ashara
It was Great Experience learning on Software ui Training and front end development. totally dedication and 100% pure practical learn which was i expected to learn. thank you Excel ptp to provide me such platform which help me to make my bright career on Software Testing field.
With Regards.
Bhargav Ashara,
Jr. Web Desginer
Midco Ltd, Ahmedabad
Kamini Prajapati
This is Kamini Prajapati and my Experience on Software Testing is best, i learn lot of new things which i was not able to understood by my self learning, i come to know about this training program from social mead network and just come to know how they are working and give training, but after come and feel this is not like any ititute but a part of software development company and they trained on QA for own employment. yes for that i also got offer but finally join Citta Solutions Private Limited.
With Regards.
Kamini Prajapati,
Software Test Engineer,
Citta Solutions Private Limited
Darshan Aghara
My Self Aghara Darshan. I join Excel PTP to enhance my Skill over PHP and Frameworks Like WordPress. I came to know about Excel PTP from Social media Websites and then take inquiry and I feel this one is nice and help me to enhance my knowledge over PHP and join it.I have completed my BE. I was looking for a job in IT field.So I joined ExcelPTP Program. They give me a good exposure and career related suggestions. After completion of my training, I got placed in Swaraa Tech Solution I am happy that I joined ExcelPTP. It was a great experience.
I am very thanked full to Excel PTP for providing me such a good environment for learning on PHP development Especially from Core knowledge to Cakephp MVC Frameworks. I am very thanked full to the management team to best guiding every time for my career and motivate me and thanks to All team for giving such a nice training on WordPress.
With Regards.
Darshan Aghara,
PHP Developer
Swaraa Tech Solution LLP
Pankaj Pandey
Hi , This is pankaj kumar pandey. I have completed manual testing from your ExcelPTP center Ahmadabad and just in 1.5 month got job offer from Lodestone Software Service Pvt. Ltd., Ahmadabad.
I am so happy to join this training center. It is the best center in Ahmadabad.
Thank you.
Pankaj Pandey,
Software tester QA
Rapid Technolabs, Ahmedabad
Bhagyashri Shah
I done my Summer training from ExcelPTP & Amar infotech Company as my Collages Curriculum but it was more than that because i got real time experience during this program and now i am capable to work on live work, is not it awesome for me! I learn there PHP and its open source. i just done my one project there on eCommerce portal and then im able to do such kind of many projects and will improve my skills. really it was nice experience for me. thank you PTP.
With Regards.
Tapan Kapadia,
Software Developer
Yuva Unstoppable
Anand Acharya
Excel ptp is a good institute for training.
Amazing experience at ExcelPTP for python training, supportive staff, very helpful for learning new things.
With Regards.
Anand Acharya,
QA and Python Developer
CrystalVoxx Limited | Ahmedabad
Parth Amodkar
I am Parth Amodkar and living in Ahmedabad. and before i join Excel PTP i was already done my Enginnering from GTU from Ahmedabad but the after not satisfied from my own work and then i join Excel PTP – Ahmadabad. i got to know about this Company from Search Engine and look like corporate from look and from reviews so i went to get inquiry there and join this course in Ahmadabad.
i really appreciate their work to deliver training and i learn much over , CSS3, HTML5, PSD Design, JS, responsive etc … as web designer and back to my home town to work with IT Companies as web designer. i am very thankful to Excel ptp.
With Regards.
Parth Amodkar,
Web Designer
Seven Digital Technology
Harsh Bhayani
“Joining ExcelPTP in Ahmedabad as a fresher was the best decision for learning Flutter. The teaching experience was exceptional!”
Harsh Bhayani,
Mobile App Developer,
ATPL, Ahmedabad
Nikhil bheda
“I had the wonderful opportunity to become a part of Excel PTP, an exceptional learning platform that provided me with all the necessary knowledge and skills. Remarkably, within a mere four months, Excel PTP presented me with an exciting job offer from Amar infotech itself. I can proudly affirm that Excel PTP stands out as the finest learning platform I have encountered.
-Nikhil bheda,
Flutter App Developer
Amar Technolabs Pvt Ltd. | Ahmedabad
Lekha Rathod
it was Best Experience Ever, me and my Family shifted from Surat to Ahmadabad to learn Business Development and Analysis Training from Excel ptp and more onward before my schedule i got job offer from eBizTrait Technolabs with best package , so oval all the experience is to learning and the style on how they working on live work and the method and tips is important in this training.
if i talking about the management and the environment of training program then was the best team is very supportive and helping nature but you should have to keep in one thing in your mind is that just follow rules and regulation as they mean for.. else everything was perfect thank you team and thank you excel ptp.
With Regards.
Lekha Rathod,
Business Development Executive, Analyst
eBizTrait Technolabs
Nikhil Rana
I took training for a Front end developer for 4 months and it was amazing for me plus i learn a lot and the employees are friendly as well as the learning environment is good.
In between training periods I got a job in a US based MNC company and I am thankful for that.
With Regards.
Nikhil Rana ,
FrontEnd Developer
Xbyte enterprise solutions
Tanish Suthar
Completed UI/UX Designing Training at ExcelPTP is a great training and placement institute. I was not from IT background but here i got complete knowledge of UI/UX Designing .Thanks to my faculty. I got confidence in this field and got placed in Amarinfotech Pvt Ltd.
With Regards.
Tanish Suthar,
UI/UX Designer,
Amar Infotech Private Limited, Ahmedabad
Mohit Surati
Hello All.! My name is Mohit Surati and I have been a part of ExcelPTP’s training program (PTP-6) since last 6 months. I have done my training in the field Search Engine Optimization (SEO) and my experience has been really amazing.
When I joined ExcelPTP I knew nothing about SEO, I had lost my self-confidence. But after completing the training, I learn a lot about SEO as well as Content Writing, got to know about the industry environment and most importantly my self-confidence is back with me. The trainers in this institute are highly-skilled and knowledgeable.
I want to thank ExcelPTP for being a foundation stone in my career. All the best to the Institute for its future endeavors. May you continue to scale new heights and keep producing enormous talent in the field of IT.
With Regards.
Mohit Surati,
Jr. SEO Executive,
EsparkBiz Technologies
Pooja Chudasama
Join Excel PTP as Trainee to learn SEO and Digital Marketing and now Working with Codezeros, Ahmedabad.
Like to share my Training reviews then it was good Experience, if you are not confidant and got many failure then i suggest to join Excel ptp, because while you join then get 100% job surety and here you can explore your skill as per your ability and once got job offer then your training is End, i like this fundas and secure my career in Digital marketing.
With Regards.
Pooja Chudasama,
Digital Marketing
Yatin Sarvaiya
Hello friends, I am Yatin Sarvaiya, Right now I am working with Iflair Web technologies as a Jr. Web Designer. I would like to share my experience with Excel ptp. After Completion my B.E (GEC- Rajkot) I tried lots & attempt so many Interviews but I didn’t get success. After then I heard about Excel ptp (Profession training program). I have decided to join Excel ptp-4 Program for web designing.
I really surprise during my 4 months training. At the mid of training (just in a 3rd week)I get started interview call from reputed company and finally I get selected in Iflair web technologies as a Jr. Web designer in a just one month!. If you want to make your carrier in IT industries then without wasting of time please knock the Excel ptp door. I really thankful to all team of Excel ptp. Highly Recommended A++++
With Regards.
Yatin Sarvaiya,
Jr.Web designer
iflair Web Technologies Pvt. Ltd.
Sandeep Rajput
I think your institute is the best institute in Ahmedabad for training. Your experienced staff explains the topic very well. I think this training will boost my career. Thank you so much ExcelPTP staff to give me wonderful understanding on every topic of web designing.
With Regards.
Sandeep Rajput,
Web Designer
ATP Limited
Jignya Panchal
Excel PTP has helped me choose a career in iphone app programming .
I have learned a lot of things here during my training period which taking me a one step further in my career and providing opportunity in IT field.
Excel ptp is one of the best training providing company in Ahmedabad for iOS developer. It\’s professional environment is very good.
Thanks to all Excel PTP faculty Trainers for helping me in bright career as ios developer .
Thank you.
Jingya Panchal,
Iphone app Developer,
High Tech IT Solution, Ahmedabad
Jinal Trivedi
I am Jinal Trivedi and I have done my professional Training on Advance Web UI/UX Designing. it was nice and Good experience with Excel PTP Solutions. I get confidence on Front End Development. thank you for placement and skilled knowledge on PHP and support to start my Career
With Regards.
Jinal Trivedi,
Jr. Web Designer,
Vethics solutions LLP
Urvashi Dhake
It was nice Experience that i join Excelptp as fresher to learn core concept on PHP and MVC, but after 3 month got job offer from BKRN Techweb dimensions pvt. Ltd. as Jr. Developer and join it. inshort overall it was Gret Experience to be part of Execel PTP solutions.
With Regards.
Urvashi Dhake,
Jr. PHP Developer
BKRN Techweb dimensions pvt. Ltd.
Hiren Patel
i just like to say few god worlds about Excel PTP as: Best Training provider company in Ahmadabad, Gujarat for mobile app Development. Good and skilled Employees as Trainer will ready to help. Good for job oriented Training specially for freshers and frustrated IT Engg.This is what kind of Training i Expect i was got from here. i am happy that i was part of Excelptp and they give me chance to have good job with IT Industries.Thank you.
With Regards.
Hiren Patel
Software Developer
Abbacus Technologies.
Dharmesh Parmar
I selected and decided to attend ExcelPTP for my Training Q.A course taken by me was for 4 month duration. company provide me a great platform to learn and give me a great exposure to learn QA from scratch. i got the job while pursuing my training only. also thanks Nishant Sir……
Nishant sir is an excellent QA professional with good Knowledge of Manual and Automation testing.
Thanks you Excel PTP once again…
With Regards.
Dharmesh Parmar
Software Tester
Blue Box Infosoft Pvt Ltd
Nidhi Sanghavi
I join ExcelPTP in summer as mine Msc IT project training for 2 months. i go for PHP technology here. it was quite good experience for me. and have learn much on HTML/CSS/JS, Core PHP & My SQL, but due to limited time period much things are remaining to i decided to again join this program for my last semester project and will working with the same company as software programmer. thank you all.
With Regards.
Nidhi Sanghavi,
Software Developer
Megha Sachaniya
Im Megha and was just completed my Training with Excel PTP – Ahmadabad. I got Reference of this company from my family member & they suggest to me to join this program to start my Career on mobile app development on Google Android Apps programmer. I was thanks to all the staff of Excel PTP to provide his best effort to set programming Skills on our mind and now we called our self as mobile app programmer and now working with one of Ahmadabad based mobile app development company named Mile Core as Android Developer. Thanks to Excel PTP program.
With Regards.
Megha Sachaniya,
Android Developer
Mile Core
Devang Pujara
I am Devang Pujara, I am Electronics Engineer and I have 5 Years of Experience in Electronics Field. I want to make my carrier in IT Development field.
For that I am searching for company who can give me practical training for Core PHP. One of my friend came for inquiry of Software testing program. From them I got information that Excel PTP provide software training with practical training. I had done some personal inquiry for core PHP training and then I joined the 4 month Core PHP program.
Excel PTP gives me opportunity to get training from begin HTML5, CSS3, Core PHP which enhance my deep knowledge for PHP. Due to this practical training I got Job as Jr.PHP developer at Zestard Technologies meanwhile for job offer from same company as Amar Technolobas Pvt. Ltd.
I am very Thankful to the excel PTP team for training and helping to build my career in software field.
With Regards.
Devang Pujara,
PHP Developer
Banu web technologies private limited
Vishal B Asodariya
i am not from IT Fields, but my interest is to work with information Technology, so you got all ideas for me i have to walk and then run fast to achieve my goal. during training program i clear all my basic stuff, and then slowly move with coding architecture. yes i beleave it was hard work to be a professional in software field, and all my sirs at AI give me positive reply and now i am being success. thanks you all to support me and encourage me for dream come true.
With Regards.
Vishal B Asodariya
Software Developer
Amar Technolabs Pvt Ltd.
Abbas Limadiwala
It was nice Experience with Excel PTP, i learn lot of new points and much practice enough and understood BA and BDE life cycle. after this training i strong enough on Business Development , DFD, ERD and wire frames, SRS etc ..
Thank you so much for to be a part of ExcelPTP
With Regards.
Abbas Limadiwala,
Jr. Business Development Executive.
Amar Technolabs pvt Ltd
Pranav Padhiyar
I am Pranav, i am Experience Web Designer and mostly worked on iphone, ipad and Android mobile app Web design for my last company since last 3 years. so feel much poor on HTML, HTML5, CSS, java scripting and browser compatibility on web designing. i need to upgrade on it because when i join this PTP program i already select one of Software company and they are worked on web application design and development.
I heard much about Amar infotech from internet, Friends, and from corporate employees about his PTP program and professional Training. and i took 1 month full time training for the same before i joining my new company. during this Training i also get job offer from Amar infotech but i already commuted with other company so can not join it.
I really appreciate the way PTP program gives Professional knowledge on Web designing rather than Xplora design school and Arena … if you are really make bright future on Web designing with close eyes just join PTP program defiantly you will got better than else.
With Regards.
Pranav Padhiyar,
Web Designer
Amar Technolabs Pvt Ltd.
Gautam Vaghela
Training was excellent with good interaction. Knowledge sharing is good. Recording facility is excellent for revising. Course was practically and informative, i got job just in 3 month of this training, it worth for me to join here and help to move from non technical to technical field now.
Gautam Vaghela,
Front End Developer
Netclues India.| Ahmedabad
Krishna Pateliya
Hello, I am Krishna Pateliya.I have completed my B.E. in Computer Engineer from Atmiya College-Rajkot.After that I have started training in Excel PTP QA Training Program.It was great pleasure for my Trainer is an excellent Corporate Trainer at Excel PTP. I learned Manual & Automation testing during training. During training program I got job as Jr. QA Engineer at Upadpro Software & Services in Ahmadabad Especially thanks to ExcelPTP Team who really support to achieve my professional field .Thank you so much guys ,Amar Infotech and ExcelPTP.
With Regards.
Krishna Pateliya,
QA Tester
Upadpro Software & Services
Bankim Sharma
IT was great pleasure for Mr. Krunal is an excellent trainer at Excel PTP. They help the students in every phase of QA Test Case for manual part and Automation part. They give deeply knowledge about the software as per requirement in Web Testing.I believe that no one can teach QA Software Testing like – Excel PTP because they are very professional & simply awesome both in terms of deep knowledge. And lastly i want to thank you the all Team of AT to help me to chase out my professional field.
With Regards.
Bankim Sharma,
QA Tester
Analytic Solusion
Course Information
No limits on learning, no limits on duration, no limits on salary, no limits on interviews, learn as much as you can & get ready for your first job.
4 months training duration
Monday to Friday (04 hours / Day)
Only practical based training
Individual 1 to 1 training
Professional developers as trainer
Stipend provide based on performance
Confirmed job – on-job training program
Diploma/Graduate (Any Stream), Career Changers & IT Enthusiasts.
Up to 12 Months or Until Placement
Monday to Friday (full day Adjusted Based on Work Opportunity)
Live Work-Based Training with a Collaborative Team
1 to 1, Real-World Project Experience & Industry-Standard Skills
Unlimited Placement Support with Dual Job Opportunities
Industry Diploma Recognized as Experience + Training Certificate
Join as a Fresher, Graduate as an Experienced Professional Developer
10+2, Diploma/Graduate (Any Stream), Career Changers & IT Enthusiasts.
Contact Us
4th Floor, Sunrise Avenue, Stadium-Commerce Road, Opp. Nidhi Hospital, Nr. SP Stadium Metro Station, Navrangpura, Ahmedabad-380009. Gujarat - India.
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