Dipu Rathod Reaction on Training

Dipu Rathod
No Doubt, THE BEST Place to work! I really appreciate and thank you so much for all of the opportunities this company has provided me which has not only helped but, is helping me to grow technically, professionally as well as personally.
I have learned so much in these past 1 years (and still learning from this great place), and will never forget the kindness of management and all of my colleagues.
With Regards.
Dipu M. Rathod ,
Python Developer
Amar Technolabs Pvt. Ltd.
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Kinjal Patel
I am Kinjal Patel doing my Msc IT from K S school of Busi. mngt – Ahmadabad and as per my summer training program from collage i join ExcelPTP for two month as PHP Trainee. it was my first project and learn a lot. And as per my progress and performance i got job assurance from Amar infotech that after completed of my final year training will join AI as PHP developer. thank a lot to ExcelPTP and its job enabled training program.
With Regards.
Kinjal Patel,
PHP Developer
Amar Technolabs Pvt Ltd.

Pranav Padhiyar
I am Pranav, i am Experience Web Designer and mostly worked on iphone, ipad and Android mobile app Web design for my last company since last 3 years. so feel much poor on HTML, HTML5, CSS, java scripting and browser compatibility on web designing. i need to upgrade on it because when i join this PTP program i already select one of Software company and they are worked on web application design and development.
I heard much about Amar infotech from internet, Friends, and from corporate employees about his PTP program and professional Training. and i took 1 month full time training for the same before i joining my new company. during this Training i also get job offer from Amar infotech but i already commuted with other company so can not join it.
I really appreciate the way PTP program gives Professional knowledge on Web designing rather than Xplora design school and Arena … if you are really make bright future on Web designing with close eyes just join PTP program defiantly you will got better than else.
With Regards.
Pranav Padhiyar,
Web Designer
Amar Technolabs Pvt Ltd.

Nitin Sakariya
After Done my BCA from GKCK Bosmiya Collage – Jetpur I join ExcelPTP as in PTP-4 program on php development with my friends,we heard much about this company as professional training provider company. but day by day as we stat from basic i am much confident that got good knowledge from here and finally yes we get it. now i can make my own php project easily and work with any company as php developer. thank you ExcelPTP.
With Regards.
Nitin Sakariya,
PHP Developer
Keshav InfoTech