Imran Vora Reaction on Training

Imran Vora
Its My owner to Write something here for the Excel PTP Solutions, yes was join as fresher on Android Technology and also doing my job in another profile but my in future i thinking to move on Mobile apps development so finally i join PTP programs.
it was really good experience here to learn from the scratches till you not be confidant to develop your own app, and i learn from here lot and then continue to work as own development and toady working with one of reputed company in Ahmadabad, happy with this training for his support and learning.
With Regards.
Imran Vora,
Software Engineer,
SEED Infotech Ltd Limited
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Sonali Suthar
Excel PTP has helped me choose a career as on iphone app programming . I was hunting for a job and decided to learn iPhone Programming after take my inquiry at Exccel ptp. 4 months later, not only did I get offers from Civic Infotech Ahmadabad , but also a career filled with exciting opportunities.i am so thankful to Amar Infotech and Excelptp for the this opportunity ever.
With Regards.
Sonali Suthar,
Iphone App Developer
Civic Infotech

Pratik Parmar
Hello Friends This is Pratik Parmar and sharing my Testimony here… with my background i am Dotnet Developer, but i feel that its good if i migrate to iphone app Development so i joined Excel PTP PTP-6 Course which one is 100ob Guaranteed program in 6 months.
But after just 3 months got job from Web I Technologies so this is one is a big day for me because i was still new on it. but as part of Excel ptp i must say I really enjoyed programming for iOS. I found that the iOs App development has very broad scope. My special thanks the friendly, knowledgeable and professional faculty Developers who encouraged me to explore Ios Skills…i Highly recommended to everyone who seeks a career I mobile domain! this is the only place where you can make your Bright Career … thank you Excel PTP Team..
With Regards.
Pratik Parmar,
Iphone App Developer
Web I Technologies

“I had a great experience with the mobile application development training at ExcelPTP. The program was enriching and enjoyable, Thank you, PTP, for the excellent learning opportunity!”
Mobile App Developer,
ATPL, Ahmedabad