Pooja Patel Reaction on Training

Pooja Patel
After done my Bsc it i join Excel PTP to start my career on IOS mobile app Development.
It was quit dificult but i strongly belive in myself to do iphone app developer and finally do it and get job offer from Archiriyan infotech, thank you excel ptp t belive iny self and support to start my career.
With Regards.
Pooja Patel,
Jr. ios Developer
Archiriyab Infotech, Ahmadabad
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Hitesh Dalsaniya
I am Hitesh Dalsaniya and join ExcelPTP as trainee on google android app in PTP-4 program. same as my friend i join this company to upgrade and learn mobile application development.I have good experience in android because i got knowledge from basic level and then on live work. i am very happy after this training and now like to join as mobile app developer in pune. thank you excelptp for this training and thank you all of my trainers.
With Regards.
Hitesh Dalsaniya,
Mobile app Developer
New Pearl Vitrified Pvt. Ltd.

Monika Parihar
This is Monika Parihar, And was join Excel PTP Training program as Fresher while i am searching for the job. before i join i tried a lot to to get job at some IT Company in Ahmadabad but result is zero… not getting any offers … and then i join Excel ptp on PTP-6 programs which are Guaranteed job Training Course.
At This company gives that chance. First they give professional training to all students from the basic level. They help us to clear all fundas. Because of this team I have got so much better knowledge about development. And after 6 months i have got appointment letter from the company.Now I am working as a iPhone Developer at Amar Technolabs Pvt. Ltd. And today I am so much happy that I am a part of this company. Thank you Amar technolabs pvt. Ltd..! 🙂
With Regards.
Monika Parihar,
PHP Developer
ATP Limited

Patel Kamini
I joined ExcelPTP for Flutter training. It was great experience for me !!!
Good place to work.
With Regards.
Kamini Patel,
Flutter Developer
Tridhya Tech Private Limited. | Ahmedabad