What Student Say About ExcelPTP


Sooraj Dalwadi Reaction on Training

Sooraj Dalwadi

I am pleased to have the Amar Technolabs Pvt. Ltd. & Excel PTP, as my preferred company for implementing my skills in Web Designing. I would like to thanks Excel PTP for their best level of teaching and delivering me best solutions.I appreciate the efforts and cooperation shown by Excel PTP team at each level of task and I m glad to have chosen them as my implementation partner.

With Regards.
Sooraj Dalwadi,
Web Designer

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Bhargav Ashara

It was Great Experience learning on Software ui Training and front end development. totally dedication and 100% pure practical learn which was i expected to learn. thank you Excel ptp to provide me such platform which help me to make my bright career on Software Testing field.

With Regards.
Bhargav Ashara,
Jr. Web Desginer
Midco Ltd, Ahmedabad

Khushbu Patel

Excelptp training center is one of the best center in Ahmedabad, they give training on every technology and with proper trainer and since i have joined they helped me a lot whenever i stucked and they give training from scratch. If candidate is from IT field or nonIT field no matter where comes from…they provide as well as interview question ,practical round .I m very satisfied from this training .thank u so much

Khushbu Patel,
UI UX Designer
Moltech Solutions Pvt Ltd. | Ahmedabad

Niket Desai

It was great experience with Excel PTP for learning Web Designing.
Helps me alot to develop my professional skills and knowledge.
This is best institute for Training and get best offers for job,
I would definitely recommend others.

It provides friendly environment to study and learn.

With Regards.
Niket Desai,
Web & Graphics designer
MRN Study Zone – Rajkot